Policy Changes and Cancellation

If you need to cancel or change your plan, we're here to help. Please follow the instructions below carefully, and we will handle your request as quickly as we can.

Plan Changes

Send your request to policy@sevencorners.com with the following information:

Examples of plan changes include:  a name change, address change, trip date change, beneficiary change, passport change, other changes. 

  • Place the first and last name of the policyholder (this is the primary insured, who is the first person listed on the policy) in the email subject line.
  • Include these items in the body of your email:
    1. First and last name of the policyholder
    2. Policyholder’s date of birth
    3. Certificate number
    4. Describe in detail the change you need

A member of our team will contact you within one business day of receiving your email. Please understand that in some cases, we will not be able to make updates to your plan, because we must follow the requirements stated in your plan document.

Plan Cancellation

Send your request to cancel@sevencorners.com with the following information:

  • Place the first and last name of the policyholder (this is the primary insured who is the first person listed on the policy) in the email subject line.
  • Include these items in the body of your email:
    1. First and last name of the policyholder
    2. Policyholder’s date of birth
    3. Certificate number
    4. Requested cancellation date (this may be today or a future date but not a past date)

Cancellations take approximately seven business days to process. We will send you a confirmation email, and your refund will be returned to you in the same manner it was paid. Please understand that when we process refunds, we are required to follow the requirements stated in your plan document.

 Please do not submit multiple emails for the same inquiry, as this could delay the processing of your request.