How Travel Insurance Saved Matthew After a Motorcycle Accident

Two surgeons lean over patient, doing abdominal surgery

While weaving through traffic in Laos, 22-year old Matthew* hit a bend and lost control of his motorcycle. The last thing he remembered was still being on the bike, but he woke up in the hospital.

Here is Matthew's story …

Matthew decided to take a solo trip to south Asia to celebrate his recent graduation. He planned on traveling to a variety of cities but two weeks into the six-week trip, it was cut short. While exploring the city on motorcycles with a new friend, an accident happened.

Matthew woke up semiconscious and unable to move in a local hospital before transferring to the ICU. Thankfully, the other traveler who was with Matthew filled him in on what happened. As a savvy traveler, Matthew knew to always carry a copy of his travel insurance information and passport with him. This made it extremely simple for Matthew’s friend to identify Seven Corners as his insurance provider and contact our 24/7 travel assistance team. Due to Matthew’s severe condition, his friend handled most of the communication with Seven Corners’ Global Assistance Coordinator. Since Matthew's SIM card from overseas did not have unlimited data, the two parties communicated via Skype while connected to hospital Wi-Fi.

"It wasn't just having Seven Corners that helped with my accident but the fact that the representatives were so diligent and accessible, even with the different time zones, [they] played a major major part in reassuring me and my parents that I was in good hands." 

At first, doctors believed Matthew had ruptured his spleen — a significant injury that could have devastating repercussions if not treated properly. The doctors, Matthew’s friend and Seven Corners' Global Assistance Coordinator immediately recognized Matthew needed to be medically evacuated to another facility for appropriate care. Seven Corners coordinated for Matthew to fly via private plane to a hospital in Bangkok, where it was ensured he’d receive excellent care.

Once in Bangkok and to everyone’s relief, the doctors determined the issue stemmed from Matthew’s liver, not his spleen. Matthew was treated for his condition and once he was fit to fly, Seven Corners arranged his flight back home to California with a lay-down seat and a medical escort.

Thankfully, Matthew took all the right precautionary steps to prepare for this type of incident, but that’s usually not the case with many travelers. Without Seven Corners travel insurance, Matthew would have been stuck in a Laos facility without the tools and services needed to make a full recovery. His story is an important reminder of the benefits of travel insurance and how vital it is to always carry a copy of your travel insurance card with you.

"I can't reiterate the importance of not only having the insurance but also the strong support team on the other end of the phone that makes Seven Corners shine among other travel insurance agencies." 

If you’re traveling soon and interested in purchasing insurance, feel free to call 1.800.335.0611 or contact You’ll connect with a sales representative who will help you find the right plan for you and your trip.

*Name and identity has been changed at the request of customer.

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